On the 20th April, Four (4) SMMEs in the Moses Kotane Municipality, Bee Mobile Spar Parlour, Black Rose Couture, Marakanelo Travel Tourism and Events, and Sparkle Bubbles Hair Salon, received much needed business equipment after having applied to be assisted through DEDECT. The equipment handover, sponsored by the NWDC took place today at the agency industrial park in Madikwe Village. DEDECT MEC Virginia Tlhapi accompanied by MEC Viola Motsumi and Moses Kotane Mayor Cllr Ralesole Diale officiated the handing over of equipment alongside NWDC CEO Mojalefa Nale and NWGB Acting CEO Moeketsi Senqhi during the Accelerated Service Delivery Programme – Thuntsha Lerole.
MEC Tlhapi addressing the beneficiaries emphasized the importance of taking care of the equipment noting the limited resources available for assistance. She reminded the beneficiaries that the government through this business support programme aims to foster business growth and sustainability, enabling job creation and economic development within the province.
As part of today’s Thuntsha Lerole programme, DEDECT further donated wheelie bins to Mmamorope Primary in Seshibitswe Village and Mosome Primary in Pella Village promoting waste management and environmental sustainability within schools.
The DEDECT Programme also included joint business compliance inspections and awareness roadshows which started on Wednesday, 17th April 2024 reaching out to many businesses in Tlokweng, Pella, Seshibitswe and local schools.
Municipal Health Inspectors enforced strict regulatory standards on non-compliant tuck shops addressing issues such as poor hygiene, improper price display, sale of expired/dented food items and inadequate labelling. Liquor outlets found to be violating the National Liquor Act also received notices of noncompliance.
Tourist officials on the other hand conducted inspections around Pilanesberg National Park, issuing noncompliance notices to tour guide establishments lacking competency certificates or renewal of registration status.
NWGB officials during the inspection registered two cases at Madikwe Police Station against Ethiopian nationals operating tuck shops, for possessing gambling equipment without authorisation or a license, violating Sec 82 of the North West Gambling Act 2 of 2001. The illegal gambling machines found in these tuck shops were confiscated.