To : All Editors and Journalists
Date : 30th JUNE 2022

As part of celebrating the 46th Commemoration of Youth Month, the North West MEC for Economic Development, Environment, Conservation, and Tourism, Kenetswe Mosenogi has challenged young people in the North West to make use of opportunities offered by the government for the growth and development of their businesses. MEC said this while addressing the Youth Support Seminar which was held on 30th June 2022 at Madidi Sports Ground, in Madibeng Local Municipality.
The seminar is part of outreach initiatives directed towards the economic empowerment of small businesses and cooperatives with an added focus on the business regulatory framework. The MEC defines the seminar as a platform that enables the government and its agencies to review measures in place to assist small businesses and cooperatives operating in the province, and where necessary reinforce initiatives that have proven to be unviable or not cost-effective.
In addressing the seminar, MEC Mosenogi encouraged the youth to draw inspiration from the youth of 1967 and fight for space in the business sector and utilize the business support intervention available in government, as this will help to reduce the regulatory burdens faced by small businesses in order to grow their businesses.
“The department in partnership with Development Finance Institutions, Regulators inclusive of SARS, and municipalities, has resolved to embark on these business agreement sessions around the province to empower communities on enterprise development opportunities available and regulatory legislation that businesses should comply with. As the government, we believe that information is power, and that it takes an informed community to access the business support interventions provided by government institutions,” said MEC Mosenogi.
She further acknowledged that the Province, and the country at large, are faced with many challenges that need to be confronted, youth unemployment being the enemy number one. These are not new or unique challenges and it will not be easy to overcome them but we must never give up and we should work together to address them and bring change to the communities.
Stakeholders in attendance encouraged young people to be innovative and pitch their business ideas/concepts. Some of these ideas will be supported to migrate them into fully fletched businesses that can be funded and operationalized.
The seminar coincided with the handing over of equipment and machinery to two (2) successful applicants of the departmental economic empowerment fund. “This intervention seeks to increase capacity, strengthen and sustain enterprises that are facing economic distress, especially on financial and operational difficulties, through the provision of machinery and equipment to a limit of R200 000 per application. The applicants must have been operating a legally registered business, and be residing in the North West Province”.
The Department through the District Development Model will continue to work with other stakeholders in the service delivery ecosystem to create opportunities for youth employment and facilitate youth participation in economic opportunities by providing them with the necessary skills.
Issued by Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT)
For media enquiries please contact:
Departmental Spokesperson Mr Jerry Matebesi
Cell: 072 333 0325
Twitter: @nwpg_dedect
Facebook: @nwdedect


The North West Gambling Board, an entity of the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism and responsible for the regulation of gambling in the North West Province, has managed to receive a clean bill of health in respect of the management of its finances and its administration as declared by the Auditor-General for the 2021/22 Financial Year.
The entity has managed to weather the storm despite many challenges that it faced during the year which included amongst others not having a substantive Chief Executive Officer whose term of service was terminated and also not having a full complement of Board members.
The elated Chairperson of the Board, Mr Lavelle Vere noted with appreciation the clean audit as the entity last achieved this 12 years ago and is particularly significant in light of the negative and unwarranted allegations of impropriety levelled against the Board and its Management.

“With this benchmark, not only do we hope to have restored the institutional integrity of our entity but we’ve also developed a winning formula for our continued future success. In strengthening its institutional capacity, the Board also welcomes the filling of Board vacancies with the appointment of three additional members. This will expectedly strengthen the governance capacity and outlook of the entity with the reconfiguration of the various subcommittees, which are a vital cog in the maintaining operational efficiencies” commented the elated Chairperson of the Board.
Mr Vere conveyed his greatest appreciation to his fellow Board members, the Acting CEO, Chief Financial Officer and Staff of the Board for the sterling job done.

Ms Tsholofelo Matlhadisa
Tel: 018 384 3215
Fax: 018 384 2290
Cell: 076 612 8688


To : All Editors and Journalists
Date : 25 July 2022

MEC for Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism, Kenetswe Mosenogi embarked on an ongoing programme of handing over business equipment and machinery to successful applicants of the Departmental Empowerment Fund for the 2021/2022 financial year.
The programme is part of the department’s interventions aimed at leveraging enterprise funding through procurement of equipment and machinery for start-ups as well as growth and expansion of enterprises which will result in job creation and poverty alleviation. The applicants must have been operating a legally registered business, and be residing in the North West Province.

“In order to reverse the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on small businesses and cooperatives, we ought to urgently provide some support to these entrepreneurs and through this hardheaded intervention by the department, they will certainly improve their competitiveness and bring up profitability, said the MEC during the handover ceremony.

She added that through this programme, the government is only reaffirming its commitment to support and sustain enterprises through operational tools. This is also proof to all entrepreneurs in the province especially young people that department’s financial assistance is not designed for a certain group of people, but for any entrepreneur who meets the qualifying criteria required for funding.

The MEC started the programme earlier this month by handing over equipment and machinery to (9) enterprises in Dr Kenneth Kaunda Districts and proceeded to Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati. The equipment and machinery that were handed over in both districts is valued at approximately R1, 2 million for enterprises operating mostly in manufacturing, catering, baking, décor, cleaning, and environmental services.
Speaking during the handover, MEC Mosenogi urged the beneficiaries to become agents of service delivery, they should communicate the work that the government is doing, especially to the people who may say the government is not assisting small businesses.
“With this programme, we want to assist small businesses, especially those that are facing financial and operational difficulties to grow and be sustainable to prevent job losses and minimise retrenchment of workers through the provision of machinery and equipment. The focus is on youth, women, people with disabilities and military veterans,” she said.

The empowerment fund assists start-ups businesses which have been in operation for less than a year with a grant worth R100 000.00, whilst existing businesses which have been in operation for more than a year are assisted with a grant of up to R200 000.00 to purchase machinery and equipment.
MEC also expressed gratitude to the beneficiaries for responding to this opportunity presented by government and for their patience and dedication bared in ensuring that they satisfy the qualifying criteria. “Patience is very important in business as SMMEs would usually be sent back for correction and supplement of necessary documents, just to ensure that their applications are being successful.”

The department will be visiting other districts within the province to hand over equipment to other beneficiaries throughout the 2021/22 financial year, to ensure that small businesses have adequate equipment and machinery that will add value to their businesses. This will assist the government in responding to the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Issued by Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT)
For media enquiries please contact:
Departmental Spokesperson Mr Jerry Matebesi
Cell: 072 333 0325
Twitter: @nwpg_dedect
Facebook: @nwdedect

MEC MEC Mosenogi Launches the Seboka Game Lodge in Koster as part of Tourism Month

MEC MEC Mosenogi Launches the Seboka Game Lodge in Koster as part of Tourism Month
Tourism Month is the celebration of people, places and products. With people at the heart of its brand, South Africa boasts a wealth of diverse landscapes, with cities, small towns, townships and villages populated with an array of tourism products to suit every traveller’s needs.
The 27th of September was celebrated worldwide as World Tourism Day (WTD), under the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) theme: “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”. The 2021 World Tourism Day was hosted by the Free State Province, where, as per norm, all nine prov-inces converged for the celebration of this important annual event in the tourism industry calendar. The global observance of World Tourism Day by the


MEC MEC Mosenogi Launches the Seboka Game Lodge in Koster as part of Tourism Month
Tourism Month is the celebration of people, places and products. With people at the heart of its brand, South Africa boasts a wealth of diverse landscapes, with cities, small towns, townships and villages populated with an array of tourism products to suit every traveller’s needs.
The 27th of September was celebrated worldwide as World Tourism Day (WTD), under the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) theme: “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”. The 2021 World Tourism Day was hosted by the Free State Province, where, as per norm, all nine prov-inces converged for the celebration of this important annual event in the tourism industry calendar. The global observance of World Tourism Day by the